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Constitutive equations for unentangled polymer melts guided by principles of non-equilibrium thermodynamics

Modelling the viscoelasticity of polymer-based nanocomposites guided by principles of non-equilibrium thermodynamics

The rheology of drilling fluids from a non-equilibrium thermodynamics perspective

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The rheology of cement pastes from a non-equilibrium thermodynamics perspective


Development of a PBTK model to address the diffusion of toxic substances in humans

Topological and dynamical mapping of atomistic simulation results onto the tube model of the reptation theory for the dynamics of entangled polymers

Predicting the viscoelastic response of entangled polymer melts and concentrated polymer solutions

A constitutive rheological model for agglomerating blood derived from nonequilibrium thermodynamics

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Modeling the rheological behavior of crude
oil–water emulsions


Elucidating the prediction of an asymmetric stress tensor and couple stresses from a nonequilibrium thermodynamics perspective

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